Hiroshi Onishi
Welcome to the Department of Radiology at the University of Yamanashi.
Radiology is an academic discipline for developing patients friendly medicine aimed at diagnosing a disease using invisible X-rays, ultrasounds, or magnetic resonance (Diagnostic Radiology) and treating with minimal invasive technique (Radiotherapy and Interventional Radiology [IVR]). Therefore, imaging diagnostics and radiation oncology which are apparently different fields, are actually in the same area, because they both provide gentle medical care to patients. The mottos of our department are “thinking of the patient’s feelings in clinical practice,” “looking at the world for research,” and “to ignite the interests and aspirations of students.” Japan is transforming to an aging society. In the ara of aging society, we believe that radiology plays an important role to provide gentle and high-precision medical care to elderly people. University of Yamanashi locates in Yamanashi prefecture, which is next to Tokyo and has the Mt. Fuji.
We are sure you will enjoy not only professionalism in radiology but also the great nature of Japan in Yamanashi.
Join our program, and use it stepping stone to greatness!
Department of Radiology
Professor Hiroshi Onishi