ISMRM & SMRT Virtual Conference & Exhibition
2020. 8.8-14, Web開催
本年度の国際磁気共鳴学会(ISMRM:Internationl Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine)は、8月8日~14日にWeb meetingの形式で開催されました。
市川新太郎 先生(2つのセッションにて)
・Live Q&A: Body, Liver: Methods & Applications
・Highlights & Special Sessions 1, Body 1
・玉田大輝 先生:Breathing Artifacts in Liver MRI: Emerging Solutions
・市川新太郎 先生:Utility of Stack-of-stars Acquisition for Arterial Phase Imaging without Breath-holding on Dynamic MRI of the Liver
・舟山 慧 先生:FITs-CNN: A Very Deep Cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks Using Folded Image Training Strategy for Abdominal MRI Reconstruction
※Abstract accepted for ISMRM Travel Award of JSMRMを受賞
・(共同演者)玉田大輝 先生、市川新太郎 先生、森阪裕之 先生
[東京女子医科大学との共同研究(発表者:小島慎也 技師)]:Erasing artifacts from arterial phase MRI: Motion Artifact Reduction using a Convolutional network (MARC)
Digital Poster
・玉田大輝 先生:Multiparameter mapping of T2, R2*, fat fraction using a combination of chemical shift imaging and phase-based T2 mapping
・玉田大輝 先生:Investigation on the estimation performance of phase-based T2 mapping in the presence of motion
・(共同演者)玉田大輝 先生[筑波大学との研究(発表は筑波大学、巨瀬先生)]:Development of a method for Bloch image simulation of living tissues
・(共同演者)玉田大輝 先生[留学中のWisconsin 大学での研究(発表はWisconsin大学、Roberts 先生]:Simultaneous B1- and Fat-Corrected T1 Mapping Using Chemical-Shift Encoded MRI
・大宮慶惠 先生:Perfusion analyses of breast benign and malignant lesions using super high frame rate reconstruction with stack-of-stars acquisition
・川村元秀 君(特進コース学生):Retrospective Motion Artifact Reduction with CNN (MARC) combined with model-based artifact simulation for T2WI of the liver